Friday, May 29, 2009

He who promised is faithful

Here is this mornings reading in Hebrews 10:23

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

There was once a young boy whose dad left him on a downtown corner one morning and told him to wait there until he returned in about half an hour. But the father's car broke down and he could not get to a phone. Five hours went by before the father managed to get back, and he was worried that his son would be in a state of panic. But when the father got there, the boy was standing in front of the dime store, looking in the window and rocking back and forth on his heels. When the father saw him, he ran up to him and threw his arms around him and hugged and kissed him. The father apologized and said, "Weren't you worried? Did you think I was never coming back?" The boy looked up and replied, "No, Dad. I knew you were coming. You said you would."

God's answers may seem to be a long time in coming and your waiting may be uncomfortable or even painful. But He will always do just as He has said He will do. The reason we can hold fast to our hope without wavering is that He who promised is faithful.

My first thoughts when I read this passage is ... WOW... that story happened in a time and place when you can leave children on street corners. :)

Second... I believe this story has required me to ask. Do I possess that kind of faith in the Lord? I know I say that I believe He is faithful but has my life demonstrated that I believe that? When I am waiting on Him do I feel anxiety or peace?

He who has promised is faithful..... my new mantra :)

He who has promised is faithful!!!

1 comment:

Leeann said...

GREAT mantra! Thanks for the reminder/challenge C-Lu!