Saturday, May 30, 2009

Hiking the Pedra Grande

Hellooooo.... Today I hiked the Pedre Grande (the big rock) It was an amazing and wonderful hike that ended with rappelling off a big rock! AMAZING!!! :) I would like to write more but I am soooooooooooo tired! :) I will have to elaborate later.... as for now here's photos... :)

Friday, May 29, 2009

He who promised is faithful

Here is this mornings reading in Hebrews 10:23

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

There was once a young boy whose dad left him on a downtown corner one morning and told him to wait there until he returned in about half an hour. But the father's car broke down and he could not get to a phone. Five hours went by before the father managed to get back, and he was worried that his son would be in a state of panic. But when the father got there, the boy was standing in front of the dime store, looking in the window and rocking back and forth on his heels. When the father saw him, he ran up to him and threw his arms around him and hugged and kissed him. The father apologized and said, "Weren't you worried? Did you think I was never coming back?" The boy looked up and replied, "No, Dad. I knew you were coming. You said you would."

God's answers may seem to be a long time in coming and your waiting may be uncomfortable or even painful. But He will always do just as He has said He will do. The reason we can hold fast to our hope without wavering is that He who promised is faithful.

My first thoughts when I read this passage is ... WOW... that story happened in a time and place when you can leave children on street corners. :)

Second... I believe this story has required me to ask. Do I possess that kind of faith in the Lord? I know I say that I believe He is faithful but has my life demonstrated that I believe that? When I am waiting on Him do I feel anxiety or peace?

He who has promised is faithful..... my new mantra :)

He who has promised is faithful!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sao Paulo.... Nova Odessa Adventure

This week I took a few days to do some exploring and visiting with friends. The first stop was Sao Paulo Brazil. I meet up with a friend I made in Argentina. She was so kind to host me at her house for a few days and show me around the city. We were able to walk around in the city, enjoy a HUGE park, visit a museum that just so happened to be displaying a photography exhibit at the time! I met some of her friends, tried some new foods, and had some fantastic conversations. Sao Paulo is a facinating city and now it holds many great memories for me!

Next stop... I was able to travel to Nova Odessa Brazil. The last time I visited this city was a little over 10 years ago!

I had some beautiful fellowship with some old college friends. I enjoyed meeting thier 5 kids and seeing what the Lord has done in thier lives in the last decade. :) One of the areas my friends have invested in is creating a basketball school for the kids in their community. I had the opportunity to spend a morning with these kids and share the gospel with them.

We had a time where the kids asked me lots and lots of questions... Some of the things they asked were... what is the biggest wave I've ever surfed, do I like High School Musical, who is my favorite Brazilian soccer team.... etc :) It was so much fun!

For those of you supporting me in prayer I would like to ask that you take a moment and pray for these kids.

As for now I have returned to finish up some work on the yearbook project that I started.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I love you and miss you sooooo much!!!! :) - Remember this from last Fall???? When I get lonely I love looking at these silly pictures we took because I can remember camping with my amazing cousins and family!!! :) I am so thankful for you!!!! :)

Reading today

Today I read this in the Hebrews commentary I'm studying.... Its a beautiful picture of Jesus!

Someone has said that Jesus Christ came from the bosom of the Father to the bosom of a woman. He put on humanity that we might put on divinity. He became Son of Man that we might become sons of God. He was born contrary to the laws of nature, lived in poverty, was reared in obscurity, and only once crossed the boundary of the land in which He was born- and that in His childhood.

He had no wealth or influence and had neither training nor education in the world's schools. His relatives were inconspicuous and uninfluential. In infancy He startled a king. In boyhood He puzzled the learned doctors. In manhood He ruled the course of nature. He walked upon the billows and hushed the sea to sleep. He healed he multitudes without medicine and made no charge for His services.

He never wrote a book and yet all the libraries of the world could not hold the books about Him. He never wrote a song, yet He has furnished the theme for more songs than all songwriters together. He never founded a college, yet all the schools together cannot boast of as many students as He has. He never practiced medicine and yet He has healed more broken hearts than all the doctors have healed broken bodies.

This Jesus Christ is the star of astronomy, the rock of geology, the lion and lamb of zoology, the harmonizer of all discords, and the healer of all diseases. Throughout history great men have come and gone, yet He lives on. Herod could not kill Him. Satan could not seduce Him. Death could not destroy Him and the grave could not hold Him!

I would like to add... and HE knows your name... and loves you very much!!! :)

Well ... I am wrapping up my time in Brazil. I have approximately 11 more days here and then I am off to another big adventure. Please pray that all the details of my next move will work out soon. That the Lord will guide and direct my steps. That the adjustment period in the next stop will be very fast! :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mornings in Brazil


I am having one of my typical beautiful mornings in Brazil. Normally I wake up, grab some breakfast and coffee, and then crack open my Bible or a podcast. I've spent the last week studying Hebrews.

Today was AWESOME because I discovered yesterday that the family I'm staying with has a Dr. John MacArthur commentary on ... yes you guessed it Hebrews! :) I must stop and thank the Lord for placing books I enjoy... that I can read because they are in English... in strategic places for me around the planet. :)

This morning I was reading about the first three verses in Hebrews 12. Lately I have been praying and asking the Lord for direction and discernment for my life. Asking the Lord a lot of questions and feeling burdened about the "right" path to take.

In part of this passage in Hebrews it talks about..."fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith". The commentary expressed that We are to be filled with the Spirit, and when we are, our focus will be on Jesus Christ, because that is where the Spirit's focus is (John 16:14). It is not that we make an effort to NOT to look at this or that or the other things that may distract us. If our focus is truly on Jesus Christ, we will see everything else in its right perspective. When our eyes are on the Lord, the Holy Spirit has the perfect opportunity to use us, to get us running and winning the race.

Somehow that makes the choices I need to make in life sound much easier. I have one purpose for the next few months. Fixing my eyes on Jesus. The great thing is that right now I have time to totally focus all my thoughts, energy, actions... everything towards Jesus. Now I believe that my prayers will be shifting from what next to .... how can keep this mind set when I return to "real" life. :)

Well those are my thoughts this morning. :)

Catch you on the flip flop yo! :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Its a small world

Hello Everybody....

The last few weeks I have been plagued with a little bit of home sickness. Anyway... tonight I was in the grocery store and ran into an old friend! It is indeed a small world. The experience warmed my heart!!! I have include a photo of my friend below. :)

Can you believe they sell these things in Brazil????? I of course bought one and enjoyed every bit of it! I also forced the others around me try one too. :) I can't help be thank the Lord for a small taste of home! :)

I'm sending love and hugs to all reading this! :)

... time to tumble on! :)

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Haps

Hello Everybody!!!

I thought I would post a quick update. I am currently in Brazil volunteering at a Christian school. I am working on a project developing the school's first year book. It has been a lot of fun working with the kids! Last week I did a special photo shoot just for the Seniors! :)

I am also spending time with the youth at a church in this city. Since I've been here we had a 4 day retreat for High School students. It was an amazing time of Spiritual growth with the kids... not to mention is was super fun! :) At the camp we had celebrity appearances by Fred Flintstone, Minnie Mouse, and Shaggy... unfortunately Scooby Doo couldn't make it... maybe next year! :)

As for now I am planning to be in Brazil until the end of May. After that I am praying about a few other options in South America. :) My prayer request at the moment is that all my plans for the next month or so would be ironed out very soon! :)