Saturday, November 20, 2010

Big Plans

Well... I was thinking that the month of November would inspire me to blog more. I had planned to take time out everyday or so to express what I'm thankful for AND...... it didn't happen! :) I have so so so many things to be thankful for. I can start with the standard, family, friends, freedom, employment, a car that is running, and a roof over my head. BUT looking at my life I don't take those things lightly. They are all amazing treasures from the Lord! Now I need to spend more time telling those people in my life what I appreciate about them!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lessons from Life's Experiences

Three months ago I was a passenger in a car accident. A friend and I were going over to Lahaina from Central Maui. There was a point on the highway where traffic backed up due to road construction. The man driving behind us wasn't watching the road and slammed into us traveling about 50 mph. Were were launched into oncoming traffic. Eventually we were able to retreat to safety and the recovery process began from there.

Passing these months have been challenging as I enter different phases of my rehabilitation. My focus has turned towards battling physical and emotional hurdles. The recent weeks have fostered some progress in the recovery of my neck and back. Praise the Lord!

About a month ago I was driving and was unable to take my eyes off the rear view mirror. Every vehicle that encroached on my "comfort zone" would give me a spike in my adrenaline levels. More than once I found myself needing to slam on the breaks because I wasn't watching what was on the road in front of me.

I realized at the time that is how I run into trouble in my relationships. So often I cant take my eyes off what has happened to me in the past. I speed down the road staring in to life's rear view mirror; completely unaware of what is in front of me.

Im hoping to shift my attention to driving majority of the time with my focus pointed at what is in front of me. My rear view mirror is only intended for a darting glance at what's behind.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Funny Childhood Memories

Do you have any funny childhood memories that pop into your head once in a while? I have no idea what made me think of this today but... :) My great aunt Gladys when I was little, had wall paper that had pictures of big fruits on it. And it reminded me of the old school Willy Wanka and the Chocolate Factory movie... every time I would go over to her house I would walk by in wonderment! :) I was certain that she had the Willie Wanka wall paper.. till one day I got brave and when no one was looking I took a taste.... I'm sad to say there was no fruit flavor at all.

Which then makes me think of my recent trip to Bolivia! :) he he he he... I know you might be thinking... "oh my random" :) I took this three day tour through Bolivia in a Land Cruiser with 6 other people.

One of the nights we stopped out in the middle of the desert and stayed in a hostel made entirely out of salt. The walls, beds, tables, chairs, floors... everything!

There was some speculation in the group because it just doesn't seem possible... there was only one way to find out... yes you guessed it... the second time in my life where I have licked a wall... this time... I was not disappointed... It was absolutely, positively made out of salt! :)

Crossing the border....

This is the immigration office between the borders of Chile and Bolivia! Let me tell you every second in Bolivia was a real adventure! :)