Monday, April 27, 2009

My Prayers Today

Dear Lord,

I am looking for my reasons to thank you for today. I believe you have a good plan for our lives. I believe you have your reason for this time that we will spend without Kit with us on this earth.

Lord let me not forget what You have taught me through Kit's life. Let these lessons grip me. Let me use Kit's example to bring you glory and honor. Lord give me the torch and give me the strength to run this leg of the race with the same tenacity, passion, and reckless abandon that Kit did. Let your love drive me. Lord you have given me the faith and confidence that I can do it because I know a man that has!

Thank you Lord

1 comment:

Maisha Bonnie said...

Cindy, it was so awesome to talk to you the other day!!! I love you. thanks for putting up this pic of my daddy and your beautiful words!
hugs and kisses.