Friday, March 6, 2009

Uruguay was amazing!!!

An amazing lighthouse that worth the adventure to find it!!!

Cindy Lu... first resident of Hawaii to stay at the Positos Hostel!!!

My travel buddy .. Zenaide

Palacio Legislativo in the Capital of Uruguay.... and its library... that was contructed in Italy

Hello Everybody!!!!

Well I am back from an amazing trip to Uruguay. It is a friendly beautiful country! I am so very thankful that I had the opportunity to go there. First of all I found an amazing little hostel..... I was the first resident of Hawaii to stay there so I got to stick of pin in the map hanging in the lobby!!! Its amazing how little things like that really thrill me! ha ha ha!!! :)

The people of Uruguay are so very friendly. Everywhere i went people would say... I overheard you speaking English... if there is anything I can do to help you please let me know!!! :) AMAZING!!!! I want to be friendly and helpful like that when i return home!!!! :)

I traveled to Uruguay with a friend from Brazil. This was the first time she had left her country. It was fun to experience with her the amazement and wonder that comes from taking a trip away from home. We had a great time talking and comparing our cultures. It was an eye opening experience for both of us. It’s so good to encounter people who can shift your deeply engrained paradigm!

We had the opportunity to visit the Palacio Legislativo in the capital city of Montevideo. The building was constructed when Uruguay was the richest country in the Americas. The interior has every variety of marble imaginable and the entire library was constructed in Italy and shipped to Uruguay.

We also visited a beautiful lighthouse that was sort of off the beaten path. If i hadn’t read online that you are allowed to visit it I would think it was off limits. To get to the lighthouse we had to pass.....Intimidating fences... guard booths.... two big Doberman Pinchers.... a foul ... overpowering stench .... (I believe the city sewage department was in the vicinity) ... but it was well worth all the obstacles we encountered!!! :)

Overall the best parts of the trip where making all kinds of new friends at the hostel, exploring the city by foot and bus, hanging out at the beach, and all of my fantastic conversations with my friend Zenaide. I’m already dreaming of the day when I get to return to Uruguay!!! :)

1 comment:

Leeann said...

Sounds awesome C-Lu! I was just thinking today how I'm so excited for you that your adventure is so adventurous that you don't have time to update the blog all that often:) But glad to see an update--for all your fans who are missing you. I miss you a lot. Every time I go to the grocery store and save the earth by using my Trader Joe's insulated bag, I think of you! Birthday BBQ for Minti tonight--we wish you were here--I'll give the girls some squeezes for you:)