Passing these months have been challenging as I enter different phases of my rehabilitation. My focus has turned towards battling physical and emotional hurdles. The recent weeks have fostered some progress in the recovery of my neck and back. Praise the Lord!
About a month ago I was driving and was unable to take my eyes off the rear view mirror. Every vehicle that encroached on my "comfort zone" would give me a spike in my adrenaline levels. More than once I found myself needing to slam on the breaks because I wasn't watching what was on the road in front of me.
I realized at the time that is how I run into trouble in my relationships. So often I cant take my eyes off what has happened to me in the past. I speed down the road staring in to life's rear view mirror; completely unaware of what is in front of me.
Im hoping to shift my attention to driving majority of the time with my focus pointed at what is in front of me. My rear view mirror is only intended for a darting glance at what's behind.